Experimental VoIP Setup 1.6 2010-03-12
Changelog 1.5 -> 1.6:
Equipment: ADSL Modem: Firmware version EU_1.00 -> Firmware version EU_1.21
Equipment: Bridge: Firmware v24-presp2 (07/21/09) voip - build 12533 -> v24-presp2 (10/10/09) mini - build 13064
Equipment: Time switch removed
Equipment: UPS card entry added
Router: Admin: Management: Router Management: Cron: Entry inserted
Router: Admin: Management: Router Management: Additional Cron Jobs: Entry inserted
Router: Admin: Management: Router Management: JFFS2: Entry inserted
Router: Admin: Keep Alive: Schedule Reboot: Time information changed
Router: Admin: Commands: Startup: Entry inserted
Bridge: Admin: Management: Router Management: Cron: Entry inserted
Bridge: Admin: Management: Router Management: Additional Cron Jobs: Entries inserted
Bridge: Admin: Management: Router Management: JFFS2: Entry inserted
Bridge: Admin: Management: Router Management: Clean JFFS2: Entry inserted
Bridge: Admin: Keep Alive: Schedule Reboot: Time information changed
Bridge: Admin: Commands: Startup: Entry inserted
Timetable: Changed all entries
ADSL Modem: D-Link DSL-320B, Annex A/L/M, Hardware version D1, Firmware version EU_1.21
Router: Linksys WRT54GL v1.1, Firmware version DD-WRT v24-presp2 (07/21/09) voip - build 12533
Bridge: Linksys WRT54GL v1.1, Firmware version DD-WRT v24-presp2 (10/10/09) mini - build 13064
Phone: Grandstream GXP2010, Hardware version 0.2B, Firmware version, Bootloader version
Radio: Terratec Noxon Internet Radio For Ipod, Firmware version (2009-05-08)
UPS: MGE Pulsar 1000 RT2U with Eaton NMC 66102, Card technical level 07, Firmware version GE
Configuration + Some Info:
ADSL: Mode: Bridge mode with 1483 bridged IP LLC as the connection type
ADSL: ATM Parameter: Virtual Path Identifier (VPI): 8
ADSL: ATM Parameter: Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI): 32
ADSL: ADSL Modem IP address: Fixed address (a modem firmware bug does not allow to change that)
ADSL: ADSL Modem Subnet Mask:
ADSL: Advanced ADSL Settings: Modulation Type: Autosense
ADSL: Advanced ADSL Settings: Capability Bitswap Enable: Yes
ADSL: Advanced ADSL Settings: Capability SRA Enable: No
ADSL: Status Info: Downstream rate: 3004 Kbps
ADSL: Status Info: Upstream rate: 317 Kbps
Router: WAN connection type: PPPoE
Router: WAN IP address type: Variable Public Class A Address
Router: WAN MTU: Manual 1492
Router: LAN IP address: Fixed address 10.xxx.yyy.15
Router: Running: Inadyn, DHCP, NTP, DNSMasq, Syslogd, Milkfish, SPI Firewall, QoS, HTTP, Cron
Router: DDNS: DDNS Service: DynDNS.org
Router: DDNS: User Name: <dyndnsUserName>
Router: DDNS: Password: <dyndnsPassWord>
Router: DDNS: Host Name: <dyndnsHostName>.dyndns.org
Router: DDNS: Type: Dynamic
Router: DDNS: Wildcard: <empty>
Router: DDNS: Force Update Interval: 10 days
Router: Setup: Advanced Routing: Operating Mode: Gateway
Router: Wireless: Basic Settings: Wireless Network Mode: Disabled
Router: Services: Services: DNSMasq: Enabled
Router: Services: Services: Local DNS: Disabled
Router: Milkfish: Main Switch: Enabled
Router: Milkfish: From-Substitution: Yes
Router: Milkfish: From-Domain: <dyndnsHostName>.dyndns.org
Router: Milkfish: Milkfish Username: <empty>
Router: Milkfish: Milkfish Password: <empty>
Router: Milkfish: SIP Trace: Disabled
Router: Milkfish: Dynamic SIP: Disabled
Router: Milkfish: SIP Database: Local Subscribers: User 1: sip:<nonnumericBluesipIdent>@bluesip.net
Router: Milkfish: SIP Database: Local Subscribers: User 2: sip:<numericTerrasipIdent>@terrasip.net
Router: Milkfish: SIP Database: Local Subscribers: User 3: <internalPhoneNumber>
Router: Milkfish: SIP Database: Local Subscribers: Password 1: <bluesipPassWord>
Router: Milkfish: SIP Database: Local Subscribers: Password 2: <terrasipPassWord>
Router: Milkfish: SIP Database: Local Subscribers: Password 3: <internalPassWord>
Router: Milkfish: Advanced DynSIP Settings: DynSIP Domain: <empty>
Router: Milkfish: Advanced DynSIP Settings: DynSIP Update URL: <empty>
Router: Milkfish: Advanced DynSIP Settings: DynSIP Username: <empty>
Router: Milkfish: Advanced DynSIP Settings: DynSIP Password: <empty>
Router: Security: Firewall: SPI Firewall: Enabled
Router: NAT/QoS: Static Port Forwarding: None
Router: NAT/QoS: UPnP: Off
Router: NAT/QoS: QoS: Start QoS: Enabled
Router: NAT/QoS: QoS: Port: WAN
Router: NAT/QoS: QoS: Packet Scheduler: HTB
Router: NAT/QoS: QoS: Uplink: 150 kbps (well-adjusted, critical influence on the audio quality)
Router: NAT/QoS: QoS: Downlink: 2500 kbps (in fact, this value does not reduce the download rate of 3000 kbps)
Router: NAT/QoS: QoS: Optimize for Gaming: Yes
Router: NAT/QoS: QoS: Service Priority ntp: Premium (currently important)
Router: NAT/QoS: QoS: Service Priority rtp: Premium (talks are possible, even under load)
Router: NAT/QoS: QoS: Service Priority sip: Express (phone remains registered, even under load)
Router: NAT/QoS: QoS: MAC Priority Grandstream GXP2010 Phone: Premium
Router: NAT/QoS: QoS: MAC Priority Terratec Noxon Internet Radio: Express
Router: NAT/QoS: QoS: Ethernet Port Priority Port1 ... Port4: Exempt, 100M
Router: Admin: Management: Router Management: Cron: Enabled
Router: Admin: Management: Router Management: Additional Cron Jobs: <empty>
Router: Admin: Management: Router Management: JFFS2: Disabled
Router: Admin: Management: Router Management: Overclocking: 216 MHz
Router: Admin: Keep Alive: Schedule Reboot: At a set Time: 03:17 Everyday
Router: Admin: Commands: Startup: <empty>
Router: Admin: Commands: Firewall: Line 1: ifconfig vlan1:0 netmask (modem access)
Router: Admin: Commands: Firewall: Line 2: iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o vlan1 -d -j MASQUERADE (modem access)
Bridge: WAN connection type: Disabled
Bridge: LAN IP address: Fixed address 10.xxx.yyy.151
Bridge: Running: NTP, WLAN, Syslogd, QoS, HTTP, Cron
Bridge: DDNS: DDNS Service: Disabled
Bridge: Setup: Advanced Routing: Operating Mode: Router
Bridge: Setup: Advanced Routing: Dynamic Routing: Disabled
Bridge: Wireless: Basic Settings: Wireless Mode: AP
Bridge: Wireless: Basic Settings: Wireless Network Mode: G-Only
Bridge: Wireless: Basic Settings: Network Configuration: Bridged
Bridge: Wireless: Wireless Security: Security Mode: WPA2 Personal
Bridge: Wireless: Wireless Security: WPA Algorithms: AES
Bridge: Services: Services: DNSMasq: Disabled
Bridge: Milkfish: Main Switch: Disabled
Bridge: Security: Firewall: SPI Firewall: Disabled
Bridge: NAT/QoS: Static Port Forwarding: None
Bridge: NAT/QoS: UPnP: Off
Bridge: NAT/QoS: QoS: Start QoS: Enabled
Bridge: NAT/QoS: QoS: Port: LAN & WLAN
Bridge: NAT/QoS: QoS: Packet Scheduler: HTB
Bridge: NAT/QoS: QoS: Uplink: 11000 kbps
Bridge: NAT/QoS: QoS: Downlink: 11000 kbps
Bridge: NAT/QoS: QoS: Optimize for Gaming: Yes
Bridge: NAT/QoS: QoS: Service Priority ntp: Premium
Bridge: NAT/QoS: QoS: Service Priority rtp: Premium
Bridge: NAT/QoS: QoS: Service Priority sip: Express
Bridge: NAT/QoS: QoS: MAC Priority Grandstream GXP2010 Phone: Premium
Bridge: NAT/QoS: QoS: MAC Priority Terratec Noxon Internet Radio: Express
Bridge: NAT/QoS: QoS: Ethernet Port Priority Port1 ... Port4: Exempt, 100M
Bridge: Admin: Management: Router Management: Cron: Enabled
Bridge: Admin: Management: Router Management: Additional Cron Jobs: Line 1: 12 3 * * * root /jffs/usr/bin/DlinkDsl320bReboot
Bridge: Admin: Management: Router Management: Additional Cron Jobs: Line 2: 27 3 * * * root /jffs/usr/bin/GrandstreamGxp2010Reboot
Bridge: Admin: Management: Router Management: Additional Cron Jobs: Line 3: 32 3 * * * root /jffs/usr/bin/EatonNmc66102Reboot
Bridge: Admin: Management: Router Management: JFFS2: Enabled
Bridge: Admin: Management: Router Management: Clean JFFS2: Disabled
Bridge: Admin: Management: Router Management: Overclocking: 216 MHz
Bridge: Admin: Keep Alive: Schedule Reboot: At a set Time: 03:22 Everyday
Bridge: Admin: Commands: Startup: mount -o ro,remount /jffs
Bridge: Admin: Commands: Firewall: <empty>
Phone: Settings: IP address: Fixed address 10.xxx.yyy.71 (but via DHCP)
Phone: Settings: Time Zone: GMT+1:00
Phone: Settings: Daylight Savings Time Rule: 3,-1,7,2,0;10,-1,7,2,0;60 (proved)
Phone: Settings: Local RTP port: 5004
Phone: Settings: Keep-alive interval: 20 seconds
Phone: Settings: Use NAT IP: <empty>
Phone: Settings: STUN server: <empty>
Phone: Account 1: Account Active: Yes
Phone: Account 1: SIP Server: bluesip.net
Phone: Account 1: Outbound Proxy: <hostname.to.10.xxx.yyy.15>
Phone: Account 1: SIP User ID: <nonnumericBluesipIdent>
Phone: Account 1: Authenticate ID: bluesip/<nonnumericBluesipIdent>
Phone: Account 1: Authenticate Password: <bluesipPassWord>
Phone: Account 1: Name: <givenNameSurName>
Phone: Account 1: Use DNS SRV: Yes
Phone: Account 1: SIP Registration: Yes
Phone: Account 1: Unregister On Reboot: Yes
Phone: Account 1: Register Expiration: 15 minutes
Phone: Account 1: Local SIP port: 5060
Phone: Account 1: SIP Registration Failure Retry Wait Time: 120 seconds (router reboot needs 70 seconds)
Phone: Account 1: NAT Traversal (STUN): No
Phone: Account 1: Send DTMF: via RTP (RFC2833)
Phone: Account 1: SRTP Mode: Disabled
Phone: Account 2: Account Active: Yes
Phone: Account 2: SIP Server: terrasip.net
Phone: Account 2: Outbound Proxy: <hostname.to.10.xxx.yyy.15>
Phone: Account 2: SIP User ID: <numericTerrasipIdent>
Phone: Account 2: Authenticate ID: <numericTerrasipIdent>
Phone: Account 2: Authenticate Password: <terrasipPassWord>
Phone: Account 2: Name: <givenNameSurName>
Phone: Account 2: Use DNS SRV: Yes
Phone: Account 2: SIP Registration: Yes
Phone: Account 2: Unregister On Reboot: Yes
Phone: Account 2: Register Expiration: 15 minutes
Phone: Account 2: Local SIP port: 5062
Phone: Account 2: SIP Registration Failure Retry Wait Time: 120 seconds (router reboot needs 70 seconds)
Phone: Account 2: NAT Traversal (STUN): No
Phone: Account 2: Send DTMF: via RTP (RFC2833)
Phone: Account 2: SRTP Mode: Disabled
Phone: Account 3: Account Active: No
Phone: Account 4: Account Active: Yes
Phone: Account 4: SIP Server: <hostname.to.10.xxx.yyy.15>
Phone: Account 4: Outbound Proxy: <empty>
Phone: Account 4: SIP User ID: <internalPhoneNumber>
Phone: Account 4: Authenticate ID: <internalPhoneNumber>
Phone: Account 4: Authenticate Password: <internalPassWord>
Phone: Account 4: Name: <givenNameSurName>
Phone: Account 4: Use DNS SRV: Yes
Phone: Account 4: SIP Registration: Yes
Phone: Account 4: Unregister On Reboot: Yes
Phone: Account 4: Register Expiration: 15 minutes
Phone: Account 4: Local SIP port: 5066
Phone: Account 4: SIP Registration Failure Retry Wait Time: 120 seconds (router reboot needs 70 seconds)
Phone: Account 4: NAT Traversal (STUN): No
Phone: Account 4: Send DTMF: via RTP (RFC2833)
Phone: Account 4: SRTP Mode: Disabled
At 0312 hours: ADSL modem is rebooted by the bridge via cron script DlinkDsl320bReboot
At 0317 hours: Router reboots itself via Administration KeepAlive entry
At 0322 hours: Bridge reboots itself via Administration KeepAlive entry
At 0327 hours: Phone is rebooted by the bridge via cron script GrandstreamGxp2010Reboot
At 0332 hours: UPS NMC is conditionally rebooted by the bridge via cron script EatonNmc66102Reboot
For the scripts see also DdwrtControl and ResetAllMySmallSystems.
1. Starting from some "Cold start point", the system at all behaves occasionally as expected.
2. The WAN interface traffic shaping seems to work fine.
After inserting adequate values for the uplink and downlink rates of the WLAN bridge
the WLAN interface traffic shaping works fine, too.
With respect to this point, it seems to be very wise to have two separated systems for
WAN and WLAN when running Linux because there are two interfaces exhibiting bottleneck
behavior while the scheduler is obviously prepared to handle only one.
Two different systems with the right entries ensure that a newly acquired radio representing
a streaming device is no longer interfered by activities whatsoever of WLAN-connected
notebooks. Here it should be noted that the radio is somewhat handicapped because of
its reception conditions. The power consumption of the two Linksys WRT54GL v1.1 devices
together is less than 5 watt, measured at the 12 volt line.
3. With respect to the audio quality, the Grandstream GXP2010 is very good.
4. The problem of bad audio quality or malfunction from high router load by traffic of any
kind seems to be definitively solved. Up to the present, there is no practice-oriented
traffic scenario, significantly interfering the audible communication. Unscheduled router
or WLAN bridge reboots have never been seen again. The current structure of the experimental
setup looks as follows.
+---------+ +---------+ +-+++++++-+ +---------+
| | | | | | | |
Line---| Modem +---+ Router +---+ Switch +---+ Bridge +---WLAN
| | | | | | | |
+---------+ +---------+ +----+----+ +---------+
+---------+ +----+----+
| | | |---
| Phone +---+ Switch |---LAN
| | | |---
+---------+ +---------+
| | | |
+----+----+ +----+----+ +----+----+ +----+----+
| | | | | | | |
| PC | | PC | | PC | | Radio |
| | | | | | | |
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+
5. If the communication partner runs Linphone on a notebook connected via UMTS 3G,
the overall communication quality varies between good and unserviceable, whereat
one gains the impression that the codecs PCMU and PCMA give better results then all
the others being available, when the packet loss rate is very high.
6. From the compatibility point of view, Terrasip seems to be an excellent SIP provider.
The Grandstream phone in debug mode yields strings as "TerraSIP Advanced Router 1.0.8"
and "X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode" (2009-11-12). Next is a frame as it has been sent
from the Milkfish proxy to Bluesip at a particular time while the traffic has been
recorded by Bluesip. For the following discussion, it is assumed that, at the same
time, Terrasip has received analogical frames.
INVITE sip:{somePhoneNumber}@bluesip.net SIP/2.0
Record-Route: <sip:{routrWanAdr};r2=on;ftag={tag1};lr=on>
Record-Route: <sip:10.xxx.yyy.15;r2=on;ftag={tag1};lr=on>
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP {routrWanAdr};branch={branch1}
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 10.xxx.yyy.71:{localSipPort};branch={branch2}
From: "Stephan Seidl" <sip:<nonnumericBluesipIdent>@bluesip.net>;tag={tag1}
To: <sip:{somePhoneNumber}@bluesip.net>
Contact: <sip:<nonnumericBluesipIdent>@{routrWanAdr}:5060;transport=udp>
o=<nonnumericBluesipIdent> 8000 8001 IN IP4 10.xxx.yyy.71
s=SIP Call
c=IN IP4 10.xxx.yyy.71
t=0 0
m=audio 5086 RTP/AVP 0 8 4 18 2 97 9 3 101
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
Since Terrasip always sends the RTP to the right receiver, it can indirectly be
concluded that Terrasip is so smart to recognize such protocol violations as
seen above, "IN IP4 10.xxx.yyy.71" being the internal Grandstream IP address,
and silently replaces the latter by "IN IP4 {routrWanAdr}" where {routrWanAdr}
is evidently taken from Record-Route information. There are conflicitve opinions
whether this is a good practice. On the one hand, it works, even with protocol
violations. On the other hand, protocol errors are never detected, hence never
fixed. Terrasip takes the freedom to perform maintenance periods of several hours,
7. It is known that Bluesip is a reliable but somewhat delicate provider. In debug mode,
the Grandstream phone shows the string "Sip EXpress router (0.9.7 (i386/linux))" in
Bluesip-related SIP traffic (2009-11-22). Bluesip is a member of the opposite party.
Their interpreters do not tolerate protocol violations as sending strings as
"IN IP4 10.xxx.yyy.71", but Bluesip was so kind to perform some traces. At least the
Milkfish proxy running on the router under DD-WRT is able to register at Bluesip.
Further, starting from some "Cold start point", it is frequently possible to have phone
calls with correctly handled RTP streams. But, out of the sky, after a nocturnal router
reboot with its IP address change, the Grandstream does not get the RTP stream anymore
while phone calls through the provider Bluesip. At the same time, with Terrasip, the
talks take normal course. It happens that the phone gets again conventionally operable
after any router reboot later on, but not too frequently. For a long time it has been
believed that such a behavior comes from the fact that Bluesip has a DNS cache problem
in the sense that a SOA TTL information is ignored, but the latter is not the case.
The performed traces show that not any stale WAN IP address appears as data sometimes,
but the internal Grandstream IP address, 10.xxx.yyy.71. Such bad states can temporarily
be repaired feeding "Use NAT IP: {routrWanAdr}" into the phone, but, of course, one cannot
live with such a solution. Concluding, what was thought of as being a provider DNS cache
problem is simply emerged as a Milkfish bug. My tip is to look at the code which has to
convert the Milkfish From-Domain into an IP address. This code might be somewhat too
weak with respect to timeouts and/or resolver return codes such that the control falls
through onto quite a bad last resort value, or, there is simply an index bug or
something similar. Fortunately, things like that are not my turn here. There are two
points suggesting that the problem comes from such a code sequence. Firstly, nobody
seems to have that problem so massively like me, but the problem is occasionally
reported by others, too. And, secondly, I know that the DNS servers I normally use are
pretty slow.
8. Some providers have problems to resolve ENUM entries, some not. Deutsche Telekom resolves,
for example, Bluesip ENUM entries of the form +4989... without any problem. In Germany, one
has to dial 089..., as usual. Vodafone, Arcor, and Bluesip behave similarly. Performing a
call to such an ENUM entry from Spain, operated by Telefónica de España, also works well
where one will, of course, always dial 004989... In this case the question is who manages
the call for Telefónica in Germany, i.e., who does its job par excellence with respect to
that topic. 1&1, O2 et cetera also resolve the Bluesip ENUM entries +4989... without
difficulty, whereat some providers need 004989... while others content themselves with 089...
On the other hand, Sipgate was a candidate which often failed to resolve the above ENUM
entries. In many cases, the first try was unsuccessful while a second or third one worked.
Sipgate seems to accept both, the 089... and the 004989... dial-in variants (2009-11-12).
The operator in Germany, working for the operator belonging to www.espantel.com, does not
perform queries at all to resolve an ENUM entry +4989... in Germany. And the current
operator in Germany, working for the operator Jazztel in Spain, exhibits some strange cache
behavior. Dialling a number belonging to an ENUM entry +4989... for the first time, or
dialling that number after some months again, the number appears to be busy. From the next
working day on, all works fine. After some weeks/month of inactivity the operator again needs
one night to make the service available, i.e., if one needs to have a talk from Spain to
somebody with an ENUM entry +4989..., it is a good idea dial the number already some days
before to be sure to have all in cache at the right time. So, it is seen that ENUM is still
a point, at least, if it is called from foreign countries.
9. Next are five selected and anonymized syslog entries as they have been generated by the
Grandstream phone to file the SIP traffic belonging to an incoming call.
a) INVITE sip:{userIdent}@10.xxx.yyy.71:{localSipPort};transport=udp SIP/2.0
Record-Route: <sip:10.xxx.yyy.15;r2=on;ftag={tag1};lr=on>
Record-Route: <sip:{routrWanAdr};r2=on;ftag={tag1};lr=on>
Record-Route: <sip:{sipProviderAddressA};ftag={tag1};lr=on>
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 10.xxx.yyy.15;branch={branch1}
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP {sipProviderAddressA};branch={branch2}
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP {sipProviderAddressB}:5060;branch={branch3};rport=5060
User-Agent: SIP provider PSTN GW
b) SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 10.xxx.yyy.15;branch={branch1}
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP {sipProviderAddressA};branch={branch2}
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP {sipProviderAddressB}:5060;branch={branch3};rport=5060
Record-Route: <sip:10.xxx.yyy.15;r2=on;ftag={tag1};lr=on>
Record-Route: <sip:{routrWanAdr};r2=on;ftag={tag1};lr=on>
Record-Route: <sip:{sipProviderAddressA};ftag={tag1};lr=on>
User-Agent: Grandstream GXP2010
c) ACK sip:{userIdent}@10.xxx.yyy.71:{localSipPort};transport=udp SIP/2.0
Record-Route: <sip:10.xxx.yyy.15;r2=on;ftag={tag1};lr=on>
Record-Route: <sip:{routrWanAdr};r2=on;ftag={tag1};lr=on>
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 10.xxx.yyy.15;branch=0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP {sipProviderAddressA};branch=0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP {sipProviderAddressB}:5060;branch={branch4};rport=5060
Route: <sip:{routrWanAdr};r2=on;ftag={tag1};lr=on>,
User-Agent: SIP provider PSTN GW
d) BYE sip:{phoneNumber}@{sipProviderAddressB} SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 10.xxx.yyy.71:{localSipPort};branch={branch5}
Route: <sip:10.xxx.yyy.15;r2=on;ftag={tag1};lr=on>
Route: <sip:{routrWanAdr};r2=on;ftag={tag1};lr=on>
Route: <sip:{sipProviderAddressA};ftag={tag1};lr=on>
User-Agent: Grandstream GXP2010
e) SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 10.xxx.yyy.71:{localSipPort};branch={branch5}
Record-Route: <sip:{routrWanAdr};r2=on;ftag={tag2};lr=on>
Record-Route: <sip:10.xxx.yyy.15;r2=on;ftag={tag2};lr=on>
User-Agent: SIP provider PSTN GW
Remember, not all the records of the SIP dialogue are filed here, and the records
are truncated somehow. It is seen that in a), b), c), and d) all the lines containing
the substring {routrWanAdr} should better disappear. The Grandstream phone does not
have to know {routrWanAdr}. In e), it seems that anything went wrong. The line
with the substring 10.xxx.yyy.15 should appear before the line with {routrWanAdr}, and,
a question could be where the "200 OK" message has come from. Nevertheless, it seems that
in SIP messages UUCP-style bang paths are applied, being a pity.
The following fragment shows, just as foot for thought, how a brute-force address
substitution could be performed, based on regexps, not too nice, of course.
cat fileNameIn \
| sed -e 's![:=@ ]0*AAA\.0*BBB\.0*CCC\.0*DDD[; :]!{{{{{&}}}}}!g' \
-e 's,{{{{{.,&{{{{{,g' \
-e 's,.}}}}},}}}}}&,g' \
-e 's,{{{{{[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*}}}}},{{{{{aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd}}}}},g' \
-e 's,{{{{{,,g' \
-e 's,}}}}},,g' \
-e 's![:=@ ]0*AAA\.0*BBB\.0*CCC\.0*DDD$!{{{{{&}}}}}!' \
-e 's,{{{{{.,&{{{{{,' \
-e 's,{{{{{[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*}}}}},{{{{{aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd}}}}},' \
-e 's,{{{{{,,g' \
-e 's,}}}}},,' > fileNameOut
AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD and aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd are the two essential IP addresses of the router.
The procedure is quite easy and there is a small risk to forget anything to rewrite.
A. 2009-11-13, 2009-11-15: The following message sequences appeared in the syslog:
/usr/sbin/openser[9999]: ERROR: sip_msg_cloner: cannot allocate memory
/usr/sbin/openser[9999]: ERROR: new_t: out of mem:
/usr/sbin/openser[9999]: ERROR: t_newtran: new_t failed
/usr/sbin/openser[9999]: ERROR: sl_reply_error used: I'm terribly sorry, server error occurred (1/SL)
As a consequence, the following Grandstream phone SIP registration attempts failed with 500.
Up to now, the problem appeared never again.
1. Take more bandwidth with Annex M under contract next year.
2. To get the installation working deactivate Milkfish and try an ordinary configuration with STUN.
Fri, 12 Mar 2010 20:11:01 +0100
Stephan K.H. Seidl