
Model tp054v3
  ! Source version 1

  ! Poor man's formulation of #54.
  ! The variables have been linearly transformed.
  ! Furthermore, -exp(-(...)/2) has been replaced by (...), and,
  ! finally, the equality constraint has been multiplied by 10^(-3).

    x[1] = -1/2,  >=    -5/4,  <=   5/4
    x[2] =  1/2,  >=   -11,    <=   9
    x[3] =  2/7,  >=    -2/7,  <=   8/7
    x[4] = -4/25, >=    -1/5,  <=   1/5
    x[5] =  1/25, >= -1001/50, <= 999/50
    x[6] = -1/10, >=    -1/5,  <=   1/5
  End Variables

    h1 = (x[1]^2 + x[1]*x[2]*2/5 + x[2]^2)*25/24
    h2 = x[3]^2 + x[4]^2 + x[5]^2 + x[6]^2
    mf = h1 + h2
  End Intermediates

    8*x[1] + 4*x[2] - 18/5 = 0

    obj = mf

    ! best known objective = 27/140 = 0.1928571428571429
    ! begin of best known solution
    ! x[1] = 27/70 = 0.3857142857142857
    ! x[2] = 9/70 = 0.1285714285714286
    ! x[3] = 0
    ! x[4] = 0
    ! x[5] = 0
    ! x[6] = 0
    ! end of best known solution
  End Equations
End Model

Stephan K.H. Seidl